Evil: The Ending of the Series Explained
The last episode of season 4 concludes the story of Kristen, David and Ben. But what should we understand? Explanations.
It is one of the best series of recent years: launched in 2019, Evil has just ended on Paramount + (and now also Canal + in France). The last episode of season 4 wrapped up the story. But what should we understand? Spoiler alert!
In this somewhat disappointing finale, Kristen, David and Ben end up catching Leland, as he was about to kill his rival psychologist. Instead of killing him, they decide to lock him up forever in a “cabinet” of the Church, in a monastery.
“It was necessary to go beyond simply killing him...” explain Robert and Michelle King in Variety. The creators ofEvil say they wanted to see Kristen strangle Leland, but we opted for this more open ending: “This cabinet remains accessible. It’s a kind of Pandora’s box that can be opened at any time. If someone wants to restart the series, there are ways to get it out…“That being said, they admit that logically,”Leland will starve to death soon enough..” But if we see this ending as a metaphor, “If it’s about resisting Evil that is beyond human understanding, then he may be plotting his revenge in this cabinet…“
The “Sixty” will certainly not need him to continue, in any case. “They exist based on 16th century legends, but with a modern take. The show always comes back to that line from the very first episode: “Evil grows because it is in communication with itself.” One of the ways that social media perpetuates evil is that it allows evil people from all corners of the Earth to talk to each other. So we continued the show in that direction, where the problem is social media and technology, eventually coming to this Neuralink technology, where people are both human and technological. That’s what the show considers to be the real evil. People are not 100% human; people are now part human and part technology, which allows some people to manipulate and control you.“
This is the underlying message thatEvil wanted to tell, without ever really determining whether there was really something fantastic, supernatural or demonic.
David ends up going to Rome anyway, to continue his mission at the very heart of Vatican Security. And he doesn’t go alone: Kristen goes with him. With her 5 children! We know that they are in love with each other and they are now a family, even if they will never be able to make it happen. Because David will not leave the priesthood for her!David will honor his vows. They will keep this closeness, this complicity, without it becoming physical between them. Kristen will surely have beautiful adventures with many handsome Italian men, but her love is for David.” And the two creators assure that they have never “seriously thought“to take the step:”It would have been too much like what Fleabag did or even Birds of Prey… Our vision was always to show how David honours his religious commitment, while making it both romantic – and in a way, tragic!”
There remains the final sequence, showing Timothy in Rome, in his stroller, transforming his angel face into a demon, under the frightened gaze of Kristen: “If Timothy is the Antichrist, how is he going to make a place for himself in the institutions? We thought it would be fun to place him at the heart of the Catholic Church. And then it gave a little spice to the end of the series. If you adhere to the supernatural, if you think there is something supernatural in Evil and that Kristen didn’t just hallucinate something – but actually saw a flash of the Antichrist – then yes, you have reason to be worried!“