Friends: David Schwimmer remembers the day Matt LeBlanc was seriously injured on set

Friends: David Schwimmer remembers the day Matt LeBlanc was seriously injured on set

“We could see that he was in terrible pain,” the actor says today.

He really had the Goosebumpsthat day, on the set of Friends. David Schwimmerin full promotion of the second season of the horror anthology (expected January 10 on Disney Plus), recounts this incident which marked the cast and technical team of the famous cult comedy. A chilling moment for everyone:

During the public recording of an episode, Matt LeBlanc was supposed to have a burlesque fall, but he really dislocated his shoulder” Schwimmer tells EW. We know that the episode in question is called “The One Who Has Trouble Getting Ready” (season 3, episode 2). We saw Joey jumping on the chair he was arguing with Chandler . But the joke went wrong. Matt LeBlanc was poorly received and “he turned completely white” resumes the interpreter of Ross. “He stood up, and I could see his shoulder had come off its axis. He looked like he was going to pass out.”

The making-of sequence was revealed in the special broadcast of Homecoming (below) :

Panicked, David Schwimmer remembers reacting immediately: “I looked at the camera and shouted, ‘Cut, cut, cut!’ It was really scary. You could see he was in terrible pain.” Filming was interrupted, and LeBlanc was taken to the hospital.

Looking back on this incident, the actor Goosebumps gives a nervous smile:

It was really scary. Maybe not as much as what we see in Goosebumps, but for me, this moment will always be remembered.”

In the next episode, Matt LeBlanc sports a splint that protects his arm and shoulder. In the history of FriendsJoey jumped on his bed (off camera) and landed next to it!

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