How The Silence of the Lambs Led Jodie Foster to True Detective
“I thought it would be great to bring Jodie Foster in…” The creator and director of Night Country tells us.
From Hannibal Lecter to the Alaskan serial killer, there is only one step. One step in thirty years for Jodie Fosternew star of True Detective, who is now investigating a massacre at a scientific station lost in the Arctic. Finding a badge and a weapon, the most French of American actresses reconnects with her roots in Silence of the Lambs. It is also thanks to the role of Clarice Starling (which earned her an Oscar), that Issa Lopezdirector and designer of this season 4, thought of her.
The Mexican filmmaker explains her journey to Première: “I rewatched season 1 of True Detectiveand I realized that she was massively influenced by Seven by David Fincher, who was himself an inspired heir of Silence of the Lambs ! At the same time, I said to myself that it would be great to bring Jodie Foster In True Detective ! Because I wanted women as investigators, to give a new start to the concept True Detective. And Jodie Foster is clearly one of the main reasons why Thesilenceofthelambs is a great film. So I thought it would be perfect to introduce him into the world of True Detective.“
HBO loved the idea. Jodie Foster Also !
However, it was not won in the spirit of‘Issa Lopez : “We sent him the scripts for the first episodes. I thought she was going to say no, because she says no a lot. She likes to do her own things and it takes her time…”
Except that Jodie Foster was thrilled by the script of Night Country… except that the character of Liz Danvers, the policewoman she plays in this season 4, did not like her very much! So she had the script changed. “She asked to meet me. At lunch, she told me frankly that she couldn’t see herself playing the character I had written. She was a very dark, desperate woman. Jodie wanted to make her a somewhat cynical, mean detective. Together, we reshaped the character and made her this almost detestable woman, who nevertheless must make the right decisions. And that’s how she said yes.”
A collaboration of which the director will keep memorable memories: “It’s my favorite one in my entire career. It was incredible working with her…”
True Detective: Night Country, 8 episodes, to watch from January 15, 2024 in France Prime Video with the Warner Pass.