Nora Hamzawi opposes the release of Jacques Doillon’s latest film
Will the freedom of speech be brandished Friday evening, on the occasion of the 49th César ceremony? Judith Godrèche responds.
Wednesday February 21, Nora Hamzawicolumnist and actress, posted on her Instagram account her opposition to the release of the latest film by Jacques Doillon, CE2, where she plays one of the main roles. The filmmaker was recently accused of sexual violence by several actresses.
“I do not support this decision (to maintain the release of the film) which, in my opinion, represents contempt for the words of women. VSWhat is happening in the cinema industry, and which I hope extends to other environments, is essential and important. This is the priority thing to support today.”
The producer of the film, Bruno Pesery has confirmed that the release of the film will be held on March 27. In a press release, he affirms that this choice must not be welcomed “as the expression of deafness or indifference with regard to the accusations made against its author: they are serious, we took stock of this from the first hour.
He also mentioned the impossibility of adapting the release of a film to a “judicial calendar“.
The filmmaker’s indictment follows the speaking of Judith Godreche, denouncing the sexual violence committed by certain filmmakers against her, when she was a minor. The actress recently filed a complaint against Benoît Jacquot, with whom she had a relationship when she was only 14 years old. She also accuses Jacques Doillonwith whom she filmed in La fifteen year old girl (1989):
“On the set, it was amazing. He hired an actor, we started filming and he fired him. And he put himself in place. And then all of a sudden he decides there’s a love scene, a sex scene between him and me.”she declared on France Inter.
Isild Le Besco spoke in turn about his relationship with the director Benoît Jacquot. She revealed to Parisian, behind the scenes of her relationship with the filmmaker, whom she began dating when she was 16. It describes a love story.with psychological violence, especially“.
“A right of way generates other rights of way. Afterwards, I experienced even worse things with other men because I was ready to crush myself for someone. Much of my life has been wasted.“
The actress does not rule out filing a complaint against Benoît Jacquot.
A rumor suggested the presence of Judith Godreche at the César ceremony, Friday February 23. The actress posted a message on Instagram discussing her possible participation in the event:
“Let’s not talk about my presence or absence at the Césars, let’s talk about the 2 990 women, mothers and men who wrote to me in seven days, let’s talk about child victims of incestshe added on Instagram, The Caesars and I are nothing. I also like shiny dresses. I too like to be pampered. But our environment suffers in silence. Our young girls suffer in silence. And once again, once again, the government is silent, the politicians are silent, and the actors, the directors are silent.”
Judith Godreche will be heard for his complaints on Thursday February 29 at 9 a.m. by the Senate women’s rights delegation.