On the Road to Madison is a film related to Impitoyable (review)
Special Meryl Streep evening, this evening on Arte. This Clint Eastwood classic will be followed by a beautiful portrait of the actress.
It’s one of the most beautiful love stories seen in cinema. In On the road to Madison, Clint Eastwood touches, by putting into images an affair as short as it is passionate. Carried by a Meryl Streep dazzling, this feature film released in 1995 garnered a number of prestigious nominations. It was notably in the running in 1996 for the César for best foreign film, for the Oscar for best actress but also for the Golden Globes for best dramatic film and best actress. Deserved nominations for a touching and sweet feature film.
In the spotlight on Channel 7, its main actress will then be at the heart of the documentary Meryl Streep: Mysteries and metamorphosesalready visible for free in replay.
The pitch of On the road to Madison ? Michael Johnson and his sister Caroline return to their childhood farm to settle the estate of their mother, Francesca. They will discover a whole part of their mother’s life unknown to everyone, her brief, intense and unforgettable affair with a passing photographer.
Clint Eastwood films ranked from worst to best
Here is an extract from Eric Libiot’s review, published in First upon its release in September 1995. “In a way, On the road to Madison is a film related to Ruthless. The latter resonates as a definitive clarification on the genre film in general and the western in particular. Here, through the dialogues of his photographer character, the whole question of the ephemerality of cinema and past or future work is raised. (…) This is undoubtedly the first time that Eastwood has spoken with such clarity, acuity and humility about his position as an artist. (…) Green’s dark, backlit photo only accentuates this intimate and particular atmosphere, as if the two characters lived in an (almost) perfect world where nothing other than them has any of importance.”
Trailer for On the road to Madison :
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