Ryan Reynolds Will Resurrect ALF

Ryan Reynolds Will Resurrect ALF

The Deadpool actor brings the ’90s alien back to life with his production company Maximum Effort.

Before putting on his costume Dead Poolwhose third installment is scheduled for November 8, 2024, Ryan Reynolds reveals a completely different project. The 46-year-old actor will bring the American series’ little alien back to life ALFbroadcast from 1986 to 1990 on Antenne 2 in France.

Attention, here it is not a question of a series project like any other, but of marketing. Ryan Reynolds has set up his production company, Maximum Effort, which will release short films promoting multiple sponsor brands. On his Instagram account, the actor has already unveiled some excerpts from the films, to be found from July 29 on his Maximum Effort Channel.

All were made in collaboration with Paul Fusco, who is none other than the creator of the cult sitcom. Ryan Reynolds will therefore take the opportunity to broadcast old episodes of ALF.

“Having our own channel is also about doing fun things like creating new ALF content. Marketing should be FUN”, he wrote in the caption of his Instagram post. “At Maximum Effort, we like to take risks and blur the lines between series and marketing. We think both can be entertaining”he also told Variety.

In the original sitcom, ALF (for “Alien Life Form”) gets adopted by the Tanner family. Coming from the planet Melmac, the alien upsets the quiet life of his hosts, as well as that of the house cat, whom ALF considers not as an animal but as a meal on legs.

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