Silo: first info on season 2
“Now it can get dark. Now anything can happen.”
This is one of the best surprises of 2023 so far: Silo ended its first season in a stunning finale, which opens up great prospects for the sequel. Fortunately, the series has been officially renewed by Apple TV+ and filming for season 2 has already been underway in London for a few weeks.
Rebecca Ferguson, star and producer of Siloconfirms in EW to have “already read all the scripts and we made all the adjustments before the (writers’) strike so that we could continue to produce the new episodes. I’m into it! I’m soul, heart and body in this project, and it’s really good. I think Season 1 was very, very good, but it’s nothing compared to what we’re doing now.”
The actress teases: “We did the intro. We know the characters. Now it can get dark. Anything can happen now.”
She then explains the orientations of this season 2 of Silowhich will no longer really look like the first one: “Everything has been turned upside down. The progression of the character of Juliet is interesting. It reminds me of this video I saw of a chimpanzee who was locked in a cage all his life and who was able to come out for the first time He looked totally lost. He was looking at the sky, was curious about everything and felt everything differently. I thought a lot about this chimpanzee. It’s very sad well, on the one hand, and it’s a bit the same for Juliette. She comes out of the Silo, and then what ? We don’t know what happens to him. She doesn’t know what awaits her. She is there alone. It’s a really scary moment, which is also strangely exciting and new!”
This season 2 of Silo will not be seen before 2024 on Apple TV + and also in France on Canal +.