Timothée Chalamet starts well in France with the Bob Dylan biopic

Timothée Chalamet starts well in France with the Bob Dylan biopic

Guitar in hand, the young 29-year-old Franco-American actor has already attracted more than 50,000 spectators in theaters.

This is the big outing of the week: Timothée Chalamet in the shoes of Bob Dylana curiosity which already totals more than 50,000 admissions in 405 rooms, at the French box office (including 21,000 in the previews). The film of James Mangoldwhich has just won 8 Oscar nominations, largely leads the new features of the week.

A good start, which is not exceptional either. A year ago, the biopic devoted to Bob Marley, One Lovedid almost three times better with 145,000 spectators (in 590 rooms) for his first day in France … one Love had made a first week at almost 700,000 spectators and ended his career at 2 million. Part to say that for A perfect strangerit will be complicated to reach such levels.

We note in this ranking of the first day in the room that Robert Guédiguian It remains a appreciated filmmaker. His latest film, The Thief Pierecords 12,649 spectators in 219 rooms. It is a much better start -up than his previous feature film, And the party continues (in 2023).

In the rest of the ranking, we also notice the very small launch of Sing Singdespite the performance appointed to the Oscars of Colman Domingowhich is satisfied with 6,000 admissions, but in a small park of 120 rooms.

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