270 million subscribers in 2024... but Netflix will stop counting!

270 million subscribers in 2024… but Netflix will stop counting!

The streaming platform continues to attract new customers, but will change its communication strategy.

We know that Netflix is the number 1 platform in the world, because it regularly publishes its figures. For example, it has just taken stock of the first quarter of 2024 and it has once again largely exceeded the American group's expectations in terms of new subscribers: 9.33 million new customers were registered, allowing Netflix to reach the mark of 270 million worldwide. Growth which still comes mainly from the United States and Canada (+ 2.53 million) and the Asia-Pacific market (+ 2.16 million).

Despite these good figures, Netflix also announces that it no longer wants to communicate on its number of subscribers worldwide. For the group, “commitment” – the time spent on the platform – is “the best indicator of customer satisfaction“. Thus, from the first quarter of 2025, we will no longer have regular figures but calculated announcements, “Major subscriber milestones as we reach them.”

At the start of 2025, the platform could approach the 300 million customer mark. But ultimately, this number will inevitably stabilize and the number of subscribers will plateau. The company wants to anticipate and already redirect investors towards other measures, such as time spent watching Netflixwhich should grow again and again, with the diversification of content.

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