5 years later, Peter Dinklage still supports ending Game of Thrones

5 years later, Peter Dinklage still supports ending Game of Thrones

“I like this ending! You don’t have to agree with me.”

No, not everyone hates the ending of Game of Thrones. The actor Peter Dinklagewho played Tyrion Lannister for 8 seasons, really likes the last episode of the series and he says it again, 5 years later, in an interview with Rolling Stone.

“Again, this is just my opinion,” confide Peter Dinklage with a little hindsight.

“I love this ending! You don’t have to agree with me. And besides, what would you say if I agreed with you? What if I said I hated this ending too? That the whole last season was horrible? That would be way worse than saying I loved it! Which I did…”

Without further details, the actor explains that it is simply his feeling:

“That’s my opinion. I can’t speak for other people. Everyone has a different opinion and everyone can write about it, discuss it or debate it over a drink. That’s what makes it great. I think it’s a sign that you’ve done something right. It’s like an old Irish maxim about how to look at the world, which is very apt: ‘There’s something wrong if everything’s fine.’

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