Chris Columbus validates the Harry Potter series and has chosen his Voldemort!

Chris Columbus validates the Harry Potter series and has chosen his Voldemort!

The director thinks Cillian Murphy would make a very good Dark Lord.

Chris Columbusthe director of the first two parts of the cinema adaptation of the magical saga, has validated the television series launched by HBO. After the worldwide success of the novels of Rowlingthen those of films in the early 2000s, numerous amusement parks and derivative products were created. For the first time, an adaptation is planned for the small screen.

The American director describes this series as“spectacular idea, because there is a certain restriction when making a film”. Although Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (2001) and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002) lasts more than 2.5 hours, it is always difficult to condense the hundreds of pages into such a short time. The format of the series therefore offers new possibilities: “The fact that they have the freedom to do (multiple) episodes for each book is fantastic”he confides to People. “You can get all the things we didn’t get to do…All these great scenes we didn’t get to put in the movies.”approves the director.

The key players Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson And Rupert Grint are obviously not expected to return for the series, but many names have already been mentioned for the roles of some emblematic characters, such as Mark Rylance for Dumbledore, or even Paapa Essiedu as Severus Snape.

Cillian Murphystar actorOppenheimer And Peaky Blindersseems to seduce the public for the role of the terrible dark wizard, Lord Voldemort. Ralph Fiennes he himself said “very much in favor of Cillian as Voldemort”. An idea that Columbus also likes! “Cillian is one of my favorite actors, that would be great”he said when the name of the Irish actor was mentioned to him. All that remains is to wait for the release of the series, announced in 2026, to find out if these speculations will become reality.

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