Doctor Strange: from routine to excess (review)

Doctor Strange: from routine to excess (review)

14th episode of the Marvel Cinematic Universe: a new character but few new ideas. Critical.

Doctor Strange returns to TF1 this Monday at 9:10 p.m. Is it worth it? Here is our reviewpublished upon its release in October 2016. Since then, Scott Derrickson has given way to Sam Raimi for number 2, and Benedict Cumberbatch has also supported Tom Holland in Spider-Man: No Way Home.

Batman Begins + Inception + Matrix + Sherlock + 50 Shades of Gray = Doctor Strange

Marvel Cinematic Universe, Season 3, Episode 2: “Doctor Strange.” This is what we could call the fourteenth opus of the MCU and second of the “Phase Three” initiated by Captain America: Civil War. Doctor Strange embodies both the quality and the intrinsic flaw of the Kevin Feige method – the all-powerful mastermind of the MCU. With a view to making films like mega-episodes of series, the screw-up remains exceptional (Iron Man 2) and the routine is very pleasant to see (Ant-Man). Doctor Strangeit’s routine.

It’s the story of a cool, talented, rich and arrogant super neurosurgeon who crashes in a car, loses the use of his hands and goes to learn about mystical superpowers in a fraternity of sorcerers hidden in Nepal and defending the Land of extra-dimensional threats. Benedict Cumberbatch as a cool golden boy (he operates while listening to jazz) but terribly arrogant. Who will be transformed into a superhero, therefore going from selfishness to altruism, through a brutal accident. He is therefore an ersatz of Robert Downey Jr.’s Tony Stark, the cool alcoholic arms dealer who changes his body and his soul thanks to an invention. We know that by heart. Just like the big bad guy of the film, armored with the charisma of Mads Mikkelsenbut who is nothing other than yet another guy who wants to ravage the world. We could complain for a long time about the routine side of things, as well as about the role of Rachel McAdams -quite excellent, however- reduced to that of the hero’s nurse. Scott Derricksonto whom we owe the horror films The Exorcism of Emily Rose And Sinister, at the realization, did not bode well for sparks in any case.

Fortunately, there is action. When Strange is introduced to the “mystical arts”he enters other dimensions and this is where the film – like its hero – wakes up. The fights between good guys and bad guys mainly take place in a certain “Mirror Dimension” where they can freely use their powers, and the surrounding scenery twists into a mix ofInception And Matrixthe camera playing with gravity and perspective as in a giant kaleidoscope. This is extremely impressive.

Without, however, creating a work of total syncretism as the Wachowki masterpiece did in its time, without reaching the level of delirium of the original 60s comics full of colors and inventions (and apparently very appreciated by American stoner students of the time), Doctor Strange reaches in its second part a form of gently psychedelic outcome. Cinematographer Ben Davis and production designer Charles Davis were already at work on Thor: The Dark World And Guardians of the Galaxywhich explains that Strange connects with the offbeat science fiction aspect of the MCU. The film awakens, and so does the viewer: initially reluctant and a bit irritated at the idea of ​​seeing the same things again, we end up being frankly delighted by a final scene which manipulates space and time with real visual brilliance failing to be narrative (going back in time, repairing/reliving your mistakes: this heartbreaking idea, imperfectly exploited).

Honest Trailer for Doctor Strange: “It’s Iron Man on drugs”

The film also presents us with a critical barrier where we realize that we don’t have much more to say about this fourteenth Disney/Marvel superfilm. This is the Feige method. Doctor Strange, the MCU episode from the second half of 2016, is not a pivotal episode (like Civil War) but remains a good introduction of a new character in the series – cf. the mid-credits sceneobviously not to be missed, which shows that Strange has a guaranteed future in the future of the franchise. So see you next episode.

Trailer for Doctor Strange :

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