Does Thomas Vinterberg want to do a season 2 of Families Like Ours?
The director responds to Première.
He’s not really a regular at sequels. Of Festen has Drunkpassing through The Hunt, Thomas Vinterberg has always opted for daring projects, capable of surprising the public. This is also the case with Families Like Ourshis first series, a dystopia which tells of the exile of an entire people, who became refugees in neighboring countries after the inexorable rise in water levels in Denmark. Laura’s journey will end this Monday, on Canal +.
But is a season 2 possible? We asked the question to Thomas Vinterberg :
“I’m not at all ready to answer that question!” he replies, smiling. “It’s fascinating how often people ask me this question lately… Even my own 12 year old son – who was a little too young in my opinion to watch the show, but hey – finished Families Like Ours saying to myself: What happens next? You can’t stop there!”
So will the Danish filmmaker give in to the sirens of season 2 and surprise us once again? Nothing is set in stone yet:
“I don’t have a season 2 in mind yet, to be honest, but as people talk to me about it, I’m starting to juggle the idea of a sequel. And then the series did very well in Denmark …So why not? Let’s say it’s a maybe…”