'He's going to get slapped again': Drunk director warns Chris Rock about his remake

Drunk underwent 19 test screenings before being released in theaters!

The 2021 Oscar for Best Foreign Film almost “was a disaster” according to its director.

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While he has just released his first series on Canal +, Thomas Vinterberg admit that Families Like Ours suffered multiple test screenings to the public, before being completed and broadcast in Denmark.

The director immediately admits to being a fan of “test screenings“, these special sessions organized in secret by production, to gauge the public’s reaction, in order to possibly rethink the editing, the rhythm, or even the ending.

So, for Drunkhis latest feature film released in 2020, Thomas Vinterberg tested a lot, a lot: “We naturally do a lot of tests with the public in Denmark. Much more than in France, I think. We find that the feedback is often exciting and very interesting. So we don’t hesitate to increase the number of test sessions” confides the filmmaker met by Première, who immediately reveals:

“You should know that Drunk was submitted to the public 19 times before its final version, the one which was released in cinemas all over the world. And I’m sure the film would have been a disaster without all those tests.”

We don’t know exactly what was changed between the first versions and the one that won the Oscars, Césars and BAFTAs. But clearly, these test screenings helped the film!

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