Peaky Blinders: the film has started filming

End of filming for the Peaky Blinders film… before a new series?

“Everything went wonderfully. The casting is incredible,” teases Steven Knight, who hopes to release it at the end of 2025 on Netflix.

Started at the very end of September, the filming of Peaky Blinders – the movieis closed, reveals Paris Matcheleven years after the launch of the series. “Tweed and flat caps are soon back, liwe say in the French magazine. The shooting of the film Peaky Blinders ended this Friday, December 13, according to the confidences of its director Steven Knight. ‘Everything went wonderfully. The cast is incredible.’

The creator of the original show wrote this feature film, still carried by Cillian Murphy in Thomas Shelby, but also Barry Keoghan, Rebecca Ferguson, Tim Roth, Tom Hardy… This one was filmed by Tom Harper in the streets of Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester and Leeds, in England: his filming photos are worth seeing here.

This film is supposed to conclude the plot of the six seasons broadcast on the BBC and Netflix… unless the team changes their mind and continues their story? Knight reveals that he could continue to develop the universe of Peaky Blinders once this film is broadcast on Netflix, “at the end of 2025”he hopes.

“We are going to focus on the new generation through a series whose events will resume after the Second World War, he confides, still in Paris Match. And then, who knows? Why not a clothing line?”

Steven Knight announces a big budget for the Peaky Blinders film: “We’re going to take it up a notch”

Note that in addition to this film which could be titled The Immortan Man (and a new season of Peaky Blinders dedicated to “the new generation”so?), Knight also launched a musical show based on its six seasons. The Redemption of Thomas Shelby is enjoying some success in England, and is currently expanding to the rest of the world: after performances in Istanbul, the show will arrive in France next March, at the Scène Musicale de Paris.

While waiting to learn more about the future of Peaky Blindershere is the trailer for 28 years lateranother successful universe of Cillian Murphy, which will return to the cinema next June:

No, Cillian Murphy wasn’t that zombie in the 28 Years Later trailer

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