Magic Johnson is not surprised by the cancellation of the series on the Lakers
“I never watched Winning Time,” assures the leading player of the 80’s.
Adam McKay did not really manage to convincingly tell the saga of the Lakers of the 1980s and the extraordinary destiny of Johnson, Jabbar, Riley and other Jerry West. After 2 seasons, Winning Time was therefore canceled by HBO. And Magic Johnson seems to be happy about it.
In any case, he is not surprised. The five-time NBA champion, publicly opposed to the show from the start, confides to the Hollywood Reporter that he “never watched” Winning Time“because no one in this world can tell the story of Lakers. No one can tell the story of the Showtime era. Person ! Dr. (Jerry) Buss was way ahead of his time as a franchise owner and our team was just amazing! Our Laker Girls, with Paula Abdul, were just Incredible! No one can really tell this story.” believes Magic who specifies that no member of the “purple & gold” house watched, “because it was actually fiction! You just can’t tell our story. But hey, it’s their responsibility.”
Magic Johnsonwho played for the Lakers from 1979 to 1991, was already critical of the series when it launched.
But it must be remembered that the basketball player was initially invited to participate in the development of Winning Time. He had first given his approval to this adaptation of Jeff Pearlman’s book. Except that after a day in his company to discuss the pitch and the story, the co-creator, Jim Hecht, did not see again Magic. According to him, his withdrawal would be linked to a story of big money…