Michael B. Jordan spends a night in hell: the vampires attack in the trailer of Sinners

Michael B. Jordan spends a night in hell: the vampires attack in the trailer of Sinners

Ryan Coogler wants to put us in the scare with a film inspired by the cinema of the Coen brothers, Salem by Stephen King and the fourth dimension. “We will surprise people,” promises the director.

Vampire, did you say Vampire? We did not expect him on the ground of horror, but Ryan Coogler explore a new genre in his filmography with Sinnerswhose second trailer has just been revealed. The story takes place in the 1930s, during the prohibition: the twins Elijah and Elias (both embodied by Michael B. Jordan) Return to their hometown of Louisiana to restart their lives. But things are not going to go as planned, a few living dead with long teeth who have decided to make their meals of the local inhabitants …

A spirit between 30 days at night,, Get out,, A night in hell and a whole string of gangster films hangs over Sinnerswhich marks the fifth collaboration between Coogler and Michael B. Jordan, after Fruitvale Station,, Creed and both Black Panther. “He is an actor obviously talented and charismatic, but above all he is a real craftsman. The art of the game counts a lot for him and he is constantly trying to improve », Enlighten the director, who entrusted Jordan the double role of the twin brothers.

“” If the film is so fun, it is because it contains a large number of archetypal characters. For example, we use the concept of twins to question their differences and their relationship. They were sort of local celebrities in their city and people had trouble dissociating them, but they are two different people. We wanted to explore the link between real twins, and besides we had the help of consultants, themselves twins, to guide us. And I also have filmmakers, Logan and Noah Miller, who worked with Michael to inform him about their state of mind. Having shared a uterus, this kind of thing (laughs.) The twin relationship is unique and we did not want to make a caricature. Their differences are certainly light, but yet they are there. That’s what interested me. »»

The Faculty X O’Brother

Coogle describes Sinners Like a film whose genre is not completely definable. “” There are vampires in the film, okay, but it is as much more than that. Vampirism is only one of the many elements of the plot and I think we will surprise people. »And to quote among his influences Inside llewyn davis,, O’brother (the film is bathed by blues music and the relationship with the devil) and Fargo Coen brothers, as well as The Faculty by Robert Rodriguez, ” which is itself a kind of remake of The Thingone of my favorite films and my ultimate horror film. »»

“” So there are a lot of John Carpenter in Sinnersbut in truth my two greatest influences are the novel Salem by Stephen King and the episode Jeff Myrtlebank’s funeral of The fourth dimension. But I won’t tell you more! »»

Turned on film, with IMAX and Ultra Panavision cameras, Sinnersputs his visual ambition a lot: ” I wanted to make the greatness of the landscapes, that everything seems very immersive and modern, despite the distant time when history takes place. It was necessary to return their humanity to these characters. We tend to think of the past through the photos and the old films at our disposal, but our grandparents were exactly like us! It was therefore logical that we push the experience as much as possible. Spectators need and want to plunge them into spectacular universes. »»

Sinners will be released in the cinema on April 16.

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