Quentin Tarantino gives his opinion on Yellowstone: “The first season is like a great film!”
But the director landed the following seasons.
Always inclined to provide his critiques on current films or series, Quentin Tarantino expounded on Yellowstone this week.
Guest of Joe Rogan, an ultra-conservative host and open supporter of Donald Trump, he analyzes the successful series of Taylor Sheridan which ends this weekend, first discussing current television production:
“Everyone talks about the way television is today. It’s pretty good, I have to say. It’s pretty good now. But to me, it’s still television” first slices QT by specifying: “What is the difference between television and a good movie? Much of what is done on television now has the patina of a good film. They use cinematic language to hook you.”
Then, more specifically, he gives his opinion on Yellowstonewhich he discovered a few years after everyone else:
“I watched the first season and I was like, ‘Wow, this is really great!’ I’ve always been a fan of Kevin Costner and he’s wonderful in it. I got carried away by the show and I loved I had a great time. The first season is like a great movie. The guy who writes it is a good screenwriter. It has powerful monologues and all that. I even watched the spin-off 1883. It’s a good western series.”
That being said, if he was fascinated and taken by the drama, in the end, “it’s just a soap opera. They introduce you to a bunch of characters. You know their story and their connections with everyone. But like any soap opera, you don’t remember them at all 5 years later. You are only caught up in the details of the action in the moment.” He continues his comparison: “The difference is, if I go see a good Western movie, I’ll remember it for the rest of my life. I remember the story, this scene or that scene. It reaches an emotional climax if the ‘we want. It’s not just about interpersonal relationships. There’s a form of reward. There’s no reward in television. It’s more of an interconnected drama. . But when it’s over, I can’t even no longer tell you what happened!”
Besides, Quentin Tarantino had a lot of trouble with seasons 2 and 3 of Yellowstone : “I don’t remember the villains from season 2 or season 3. It just slipped my mind. All that has completely disappeared. Along with 1883, Sam Elliot was the only thing I remembered at the end.”
Finally, the filmmaker stands out from the crowd as the first season of Homelandwhich according to him has the “emotional potential of a film. But that series ended up continuing for seven more seasons.”