Samuel L. Jackson will reunite with the director of Goodbye Forever
He will play the President of the United States for Renny Harlin.
30 years after the too quickly forgotten Goodbye Foreverthe actor Samuel L. Jackson and the director Renny Harlin will team up again. The 69-year-old filmmaker has just signed on to direct The Beastwritten by Umair Aleem.
“I have always been a fan of Renny’s great classics and I am now helping him re-team with Sam Jackson with whom he has made many films that have pleased the public” rejoices producer Keith Kjarval in a press release.
The Beast is an action thriller in which Samuel L. Jackson will play the President of the United States opposite Joel Kinnaman who will be a secret service agent.
“When a militia of unidentified enemies coordinates a coup against the United States, the President discovers the extent of the Beast’s highly classified offensive capabilities… Separated from his wife, the President must learn to control the Beast – and the monster within him – to save his life, that of Secret Service Agent Taft, and that of America.” details the synopsis.
It should be remembered that in the 1990s, Renny Harlin was a Hollywood action superstar. Director of Die Hard 2 (58 minutes to live in 1990), the Finn then made the famous Cliffhanger by Stallone (1993), before filming his wife at the time, Geena DaviesIn Pirate Island (1995) then in Goodbye Forever with Samuel L. Jackson (1996), which he found a few years later on the shark film Blue fear (1999) and also in the thriller Cleaner (2007). After various box office failures, Renny Harlin headed to Asia to direct a few Chinese blockbusters.