‘The Snyder Cut Can’t Get Worse’: Jeremy Irons Found Justice League Awful
“I haven’t seen the Snyder Cut yet. Weirdly, I have it somewhere…but I haven’t seen it.”
TF1 takes advantage of the exit of The Flash to rebroadcast this Sunday Justice League. But not the version “director’s cut” by Zack Snyder: that of 2017, which the director of man of steel And batman v superman had initiated, but which was sealed off by Joss Whedon (avengers) when he abandoned the project, devastated by the death of his daughter.
A version hated by fans of superhero films when it was released, but not only: one of its actors, Jeremy Ironsalso expressed his disappointment, in January 2022. He was then showing the film The Vice of Munichon Netflix, and did not mince words towards this blockbuster, which never ceases to take for its rank.
Justice League is a huge disappointment (review)
Demolished by Ben Affleck (on sale at the time for Tender Bar), or by his co-writer Chris Terrio (“It’s an act of vandalism”he said in the spring of 2021), the feature film released in cinemas six years ago was therefore unceremoniously taken down by the interpreter of Alfred Pennyworth:
“I haven’t seen the Snyder Cut yet. Strangely, I have it somewhere… but I haven’t seen it. I’ll have to find him…I remember talking to Zack (Snyder) before he did and being very interested to see what he came up with. Anyway, it can’t be worse than the first one Justice League“balance Jeremy Irons In variety. “Doesn’t seem possible, does it? I also found it awful…”
The quality of the film is not the only thing to have been criticized by the members of the team. The comedians Gal Gadot and Ray Fisher attacked Joss Whedon for his inappropriate behind-the-scenes remarks. Sexist remarks towards the interpreter of Wonder Woman, and racist towards that of Cyborg. The director defended himself, then was again criticized by another team: that of buffy the vampire slayer.
Warner Bros having finally accepted that Zack Snyder can complete his version of Justice League in 2021, we now know the major differences between the two works. Moreover, at the time of rank DCEU movies, First chose these two top and bottom versions: Snyder’s Justice League is for us the best Warner has released in its superhero franchise, and Whedon’s represents the worst.
Now that The Flash was released in cinemas, there remains a film from “Snyderverse” to reveal to the public, Aquaman 2. Then the DC Universe can be relaunched with new actors and director, headed by James Gunn and Peter Safran. First stage, to restart Superman.
Here is the trailer for Justice Leaguewhich will therefore return to television this weekend:
Henry Cavill: “In the Justice League, the real asshole is Batman”