We are not alone: ​​even the director of Morbius suffered while filming it

We are not alone: ​​even the director of Morbius suffered while filming it

Daniel Espinosa talks about his complicated relationship with Hollywood, and how the film with Jared Leto pushed him to return to Europe.

Director of Close Security, Child 44 Or Life: Origin unknownDaniel Espinosa looks back on the experience Morbius – the vampire/superhero movie with Jared Leto, if you ever missed it – which seems to have left him with some scars. Back in Europe, the Swedish director of Chilean origin confides in Deadline : ” I spent twelve years in the United States… And it became obvious that what I was shooting there was slowly taking me away from the reason why I had started making films. “And so to tell the difficult filming of Morbiusa feature film postponed by the pandemic, and which was panned upon its release in 2022 by critics and spectators alike: “ Making a film with a committee behind your back is very hard. And I thought that another director would probably have been a better choice. I’m known to the studios as someone who wants to give his opinion, and maybe they weren’t looking for that kind of director. »

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His new film, Mrs. Lunatells the story of an Eritrean refugee, washed ashore in Libya, who becomes involved in human trafficking. A scenario that is the exact opposite of what we know Espinosa for. On the first day of filming, which took place in Italy, the filmmaker suddenly ” realized there was no producer, no financiers. Just me, my DP, my first assistant… A very small crew. And I had an anxiety attack because I was so used to fighting. Fighting ends up being what defines you, and so I think the hard part about the American industry is that fighting is almost a necessity. It’s hard not to congratulate yourself for being in the fight without forgetting what you’re fighting for. »

Mrs. Luna does not yet have a French release date but is doing the rounds of festivals. We will of course keep you informed when it is possible to see the film in our country, and perhaps give another chance to a director without wooden language.

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