Who is the Sith Master in The Acolyte? Our 5 theories
Mae’s Master emerges from the shadows but his true face remains a mystery. The world of Star Wars is in turmoil.
Appeared at the end of episode 4 with his famous red lightsaber, the Sith who has been pulling the strings in the shadows since the beginning of The Acolytehas just made his debut in the series Star Wars from Disney Plus. But who is hiding under his disturbing mask? We start betting.
Credibility: Very high
The one who has been with Mae since the beginning has aroused fans’ suspicion for a while. The smuggler played by Manny Jacinto is still around and seems to know a lot more than he wants to let on. As a Sith, he would know how to perfectly hide his identity and his presence from the eyes of the Jedi. Like Sauron in The Rings of Powerhe was there from the beginning…
Credibility: high
In Revenge of the SithChancellor Palpatine tells Anakin the story of the Sith Lord, Darth Plagueis the Wise, “so powerful and wise that he could use the Force to influence midi-chlorians to create life. He had such knowledge of the dark side that he could even prevent those he loved from dying.“We know that Darth Plagueis was the master of Darth Sidious (Palpatine), before he murdered him in his sleep. The Acolyte might well want to introduce this mythical character, as it should, into the saga.
Credibility: possible
What happened on Brendok? The flashback of episode 3 does not tell everything and Master Torbin’s trauma remains a mystery. What happened to Mother Koril, the witch, biological mother of Mae and Osha, visibly very upset at the time? Her mastery of the Dark Forces could have taken her to various extremes…
Credibility: low
She is the only character in the series to come from the books. Star Wars dedicated to the High Republic! Did Master Rwoh finally change? We know that – in the extended mythology of Star Wars – she has experienced a lot of disillusionment in the past, with the Jedi Order. To the point that she had officially distanced herself to lead a life of isolation in the remote spaces of the galaxy. So how did she become a high-ranking Jedi Master today, as shown The Acolyte ? Did she climb these ranks only to divide the organization from within?
Credibility: unlikely
Is the rebellious young Jedi a Sith Lord in disguise? Obsessed with the rules, did he end up falling to the dark side? If it seems unlikely that he is in fact Mae’s Master, we can imagine him changing before the end. Becoming in turn an apprentice of the dark side, that is to say an “Acolyte”… What if he was in reality Palpatine?