Why was Married… with Children abruptly cancelled?
Two of the main characters returned at the end of the hit sitcom.
Christina Applegate reflects on the hit sitcom’s abrupt ending Married… two children. Asked in a podcast, alongside her former father in the series Ed O’Neill, she says she never really had any explanations from the production: “It was a guy who worked with my assistant at the time who told me. That’s how I found out, they never called me.“The main character, who plays Al Bundy, says he was particularly surprised by the way he was informed: “I was back in my hometown and a couple stopped me, saying they were sorry the show was ending.“, he recalls, before specifying: “They told me it was all over the radio, but all things considered I think it was better that I heard it from them.“.
In fact, Christina Applegate has since developed a regret that the series never had a proper ending: “We should have had a final episode, we should have prepared for a moment to say goodbye“. The sitcom therefore lasted 10 years, from 1987 to 1997, to the great displeasure of Ed O’Neil, who wanted to meet the creators one last time: “I had it all organized with Moye and Leavitt, they wanted to do it” he says.
In addition, the actors no longer receive any money from the series, despite frequent reruns: “I get like a dollar every now and then, and I’m not kidding.“, says the American actress, disgusted. O’Neill, himself, seems a little better off: “I get some royalties, but they’re not huge.“. A mixed ending then.