With Wind River, Jeremy Renner finally finds his big role

With Wind River, Jeremy Renner finally finds his big role

The one we’ve been waiting for since Minesweepers.

Chérie 25 will broadcast this Thursday the very successful Wind Riverby Taylor Sheridan. When it was released in summer 2017, First really liked this film from the screenwriter of Sicario And Comancheria. Here is our review.

We would have to reopen the archives, do a little archaeology, or simply rack our brains, to remember this world not so distant, but already totally submerged: when, at the beginning of the 2010s, Jeremy Renner was the new hope of American cinema. The next big thing. All the specialized press (First the first) competed with laudatory articles, enamored portraits of the man who, on the verge of forty, after 15 years of playing the anonymous second-best knife, had just performed two performances nominated for the Oscars (in Minesweepers And The Town) and made Hollywood drunk with desire. We rolled out the red carpet for him, we could no longer imagine the future without him, we even wanted him to star in the biopic of Steve McQueen. Project title: The King of Cool.

Career: Impossible
And then… everything went wrong. The King of Cool never saw the light of day and Renner reluctantly became the embodiment of everything that is wrong with the industry. Are big actors now forced to spend their careers running in Spandex on a green screen? Jeremy Renner will be Hawkeye, the last wheel of the carriage Avengersthe most thankless thing the superheroic universe can offer. Franchises have become more important than stars but can’t really get rid of them? Renner becomes the face of this paradox by replacing Matt Damon In Jason Bourne: Legacybut without completely replacing it either, since the film still bears the name of Damon’s character… The case Mission: Impossible is even more depressing: originally cast in Ghost Protocol as a possible successor to Tom Cruisein case he throws in the towel, Renner, following the success of the film, will be reduced to usefulness in the following episode (Rogue Nation), condemned to pass the dishes with Alex Baldwin in transitional scenes. The actor becomes this eternal substitutethe substitute with wasted talent, who watches the match from the sidelines while desperately waiting for his turn.

Taylor Sheridan: “My inspiration comes from loneliness”

Man of the West
Great roles, good films, still exist in his films. But then invariably as a supporting role, in the shadow of a star, or member of a ensemble cast. His nature as a “supporting actor” catches up with him. He is superb as a magician in love with Marion Cotillard (In The Immigrant), moving as the mayor of a town in New Jersey that one would swear came out of an episode of Soprano (In American Bluff), credible as a sexy physicist (First Contact)… But it’s still not much to sink your teeth into. This is why today Wind River makes us want to jump to the ceiling. On paper, we already suspected that Taylor Sheridan (one of the best screenwriters and dialogue writers working, a fan of westerns seeking to restore some contemporary relevance to the old mythologies of the West) and Jeremy Renner (his sullen face, his stocky virility, his “graphic” obviousness) would have things to say to each other. On screen, it’s even better, the actor here inheriting a superb score as a tracker obsessed with the idea of ​​finding the murderers of a young Native American woman, coupled with a father with a private life in in rags, completely destroyed. Nothing butoutfit of the character, his snow vigilante outfit, is a triumph of precision: the cowboy hat, the binocular bag with Indian motifs, the moonboots which sink into the powder… We realize that Renner’s silhouette had never was also well drawn in the cinema. In any case, not since the scene of Minesweepers where he took a shower in his trick-or-treat soldier outfit. Coming out of a screening of Wind Rivera colleague pointed out to us that this was the kind of role that Kevin Costner could have held up in the 80s and 90s. It’s true – and Costner will star in Sheridan’s next project, the series Yellowstone. But in the 60s and 70s, Steve McQueen probably wouldn’t have spit on a score like that either. Year after year, Jeremy Renner remains faithful to the King of Cool.

The trailer for Wind River :

Wind River 2 is coming, five years after Taylor Sheridan’s film

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