Back In Action: Should Cameron Diaz Have Stayed Retired? (critical)

Back In Action: Should Cameron Diaz Have Stayed Retired? (critical)

After a decade away from the cameras, the former Hollywood superstar is back gently with an unpretentious little popcorn film, which is no less entertaining.

Yes, we missed her! After an entire decade without playing, to better take care of her marriage to musician Benji Madden and then their two children, Cameron Diaz resumed the course of his career this weekend on Netflix, with Back in Action. In this spy comedy, she plays an ex-CIA spy who retired (wink) to start a family (double wink) and who finally returns to service and discovers that all this is happening to her had been sorely missed (triple wink). If you haven’t grasped the analogy, there’s nothing we can do for you…

With a little touch of nostalgia, we find the former Hollywood star of Mary at all costs who plays action heroines like the good old days Charlie’s Angels. Always as luminous on the screen, she continues the fight sequences in this Back in Action which is all good big disposable entertainment. A movie fast food for a hassle-free Netflix evening, as quickly seen as forgotten. The director Seth Gordon has managed rather well the staging of the castagne and the explosions of planes, cars, boats… Nothing very innovative or very exciting, but typically the kind of film that no one should take seriously.

So was this really the best way to get back into service? Was it essential to bring Cameron out of his peaceful retirement for this? Because the 52-year-old actress will obviously not win her first Oscar with this pre-prepared role, which doesn’t even allow us to realize if she still has that little extra something that made her one of the stars highest paid in Hollywood.

Nevertheless, Cameron Diaz proves that she is still a perfect duo actress. His association with Jamie Foxx works surprisingly well. Their dynamic of struggling parents brings a welcome touch of fun to this stupid and unambitious action film. We even end up saying that Back in Action would have been more interesting if it took on its family sitcom aspect for 1h50, following the ordinary daily life of two ex-CIA agents in an ordinary American suburb.

But like his character, Cameron Diaz is back. We just hope she chooses her next mission better.

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