Cannes Criminal Police: why are Lucie Lucas and Shy’m dubbed?
The new TF1 detective series was filmed in English, then dubbed for VF, by its French actresses.
Strange… The new French detective series from TF1, set on the Côte d’Azur, is dubbed!
Carried by Lucy Lucas And Shy’m a.k.a Tamara Marthetwo stars of the channel thanks to Clem And Profiling, Cannes Criminal Police is, in reality, not a TF1 series to begin with. Co-produced by the United States, the United Kingdom, Sweden and France, it is initially intended for international broadcast, via the AMC channels across the Atlantic and the Viaplay platform in Scandinavia, under the title Cannes Confidential. Then, for France, the series was acquired by the TF1 Group.
Thus, the adventures of Camille Delmas and Léa Robert on the Croisette were filmed in English. Moreover, the casting also includes the British actor as the third thief Jamie Bamberformer hero of Battlestar Galactica recently encountered in NCIS: Special Investigations.
Lucy Lucas And Tamara Marthe therefore filmed in the language of Shakespeare and this was not without a lot of work beforehand, as they confided to Allociné: “We had to have a English that is understandable for the Anglo-Saxon, putting the tonic accents in the right place, the musicality that is necessary too. It was all a learning experience.”
Then, they dubbed themselves for the French version. “It’s very technical, it has to correspond to the labials, we have to fit into the text (…) We really have the feeling of having learned another profession”confided Lucie Lucas to the site, while her comrade claims to have done everything to ensure dubbing “very effective and very credible“.
Cannes Criminal Policein six episodes, to be seen starting this evening on TF1.