Gosh ! : The great success of Charlotte de Turckheim, Victoria Abril, Lola Dewaere…
In 2012, this anti-diet comedy attracted a million and a half curious people to the cinema. She will return this evening on M6.
After My father, my mother, my brothers and my sister And The Aristoswhich had recorded decent scores at the box office without shining, Charlotte of Turckheim attracted crowds to the cinema in spring 2012 thanks to Gosh !a comedy with among others Victoria Abril And Lola Dewaere undergoing weight loss treatment in Brides-les-Bains, a spa resort specializing in the treatment of overweight and obesity.
The first plays a woman who suffered from obesity in her youth and whose weight control turns into an obsession once her excess pounds are lost. Lola plays an overweight woman whose husband, who only likes skinny people, would like her to lose 20 kilos. “What will make her feel better is getting rid of her boyfriend!”warned the director when announcing the project.
Wanting to set a scene for a story “far from crude and reductive clichés”we can say that she succeeded! When it was released at the end of March 2012, the film created a surprise by starting just behind the blockbuster Wrath of the Titans. With nearly 300,000 entries in the first week, it then remained in the top 3 despite the re-release of Titanic In 3D ! Word of mouth was out: at the end of his career, Gosh ! came close to a million and a half spectators. Scheduled at 9:05 p.m. on M6, the film should once again do well.
On the critical side, in First, Philippe Jambet praised the performance of the actresses, in particular Lola Dewaere and Julia Piaton. The height of irony was that the editorial staff still regretted a somewhat meager storyline: “Let’s have a dream. That of seeing the Mocky of the great era put his nose into the double fat business and go all out against the fat people who only want to lose weight and those who profit handsomely from the obsession with the skinny. But Charlotte de Turkheim will never be Mocky. What interests her is to show the moods of obese people, women’s magazine version. No deep dive into the twists and turns of the psyche, but just enough to align a few good words, just to make us believe that the film is better than what it appears to be, and to sweeten the pill from an embarrassingly timid scenario. This absence of risk cannot overshadow the performance of Lola Dewaere and by Julia Piaton who, despite their status as “daughter of” (Julia is the director’s daughter), really make us want to see them again.”
Gosh ! : Charlotte de Turckheim prepares the sequel with Charlotte Gaccio