How were the multiple Agent Smiths of Matrix Revolutions created without overusing CGI? (video)

How were the multiple Agent Smiths of Matrix Revolutions created without overusing CGI? (video)

Hugo Weaving told behind the scenes of the fight between his character and Neo in front of hundreds of clones.

TFX continues to broadcast Matrixon this Thursday evening. At 9:05 p.m., place at Matrix Revolutions (2003), which may not be not a fan favoritebut which still has some spectacular scenes. Like this fight between Neo (Keanu Reeves) and Agent Smith (Hugo Weaving), in front of an audience made up of his multiple clones.

If Matrix 3 was filmed today, their creation would undoubtedly have been produced mainly digitally. The Wachowski sisters also experimented with cutting-edge CGI on the saga, but they also sometimes preferred to mix traditional visual effects techniques. Like here, where it is wax mannequins and extras wearing a mask made from the face of the Australian actor, who form the crowd of clones, and offer a sequence more anchored in reality.

Matrix: When Keanu Reeves had fun filming all the TV spots

How exactly did the makeup and VFX teams make all these Agent Smiths? Found any clever tricks to fool spectators?

This behind-the-scenes video Matrix Revolutions details how the whole team worked hand in hand on this clone fight in The Matrix Revolutions.

“You see, it’s really me!, laughs Hugo Weaving in front of one of his clones made from the mold of his face, with care, right down to their synthetic hair. They made three models: the happy ones, the grumpy ones and those with a neutral expression. The majority of these were manufactured.”

The models are arranged on the stage, with their faces turned in different positions, then between them, the doubles then come into play, and the camera is kept far enough away that it is impossible to distinguish precisely who the real inanimate clones of the actor and his flesh-and-blood doubles, hidden behind sunglasses so that the end result is perfect.

A cult scene to watch again this evening on television. Here is the trailer for Matrix Revolutions :

Why wasn’t Hugo Weaving back in Matrix 4?

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