“I'm curious !” : The creator of X-Files validates the new version of Ryan Coogler
Chris Carter confirms that he will not be involved in this more inclusive series. “Well yes, just as a cheerleader!”, he exclaims to show his support for his successor.
In March 2023, Chris Carter revealed in First thathe would not participate in revival of X Files conceived by Ryan Coogler (Black Panther). If he said “not to be involved”and suggested that it would be a reboot, so without Gillian Anderson or David Duchovny as agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder, he showed a certain curiosity towards this new version, which he described as “reinvention”.
From Canadian radio On the Coast he also said he had “just talked to a young man, Ryan Coogler, who is going to get back on his feet X Files with a diverse cast. So he's going to have a hell of a job, because we've already covered a lot of stuff (in the field of the paranormal)”. Only way out, according to him? “X-Files was based on a central conspiracy, but now there are conspiracies everywhere. I think we should do a whole different series.“
Launched 30 years ago, then revived in 2016 and 2018 with the late seasons 10 and 11 bringing back Mulder and Scully, X Files will therefore be turned upside down by the director of Fruitvale Station And Creed. By unveiling an exhibition in Los Angeles this week, Chris Carter took the opportunity to take stock of The Wrap.
“I will not be part of this reboot, he begins by confirming. Well, only as a cheerleader. You know, they don't even need my consent, since 20th Century Fox and Disney own the rights to the series. They can do with it what they want. But I'm honored that they came to talk to me about it. Not to have my permission, but my support.
I shouldn't talk about it, according to Disney, but yes, I did talk about the project with Ryan Coggler. He would like to have a more diverse cast, and he has some good ideas.
I'm curious to see what this will do. Especially since it's not the easiest series to write, given its subject. It's not like Law and Order with its investigation changing this week. There you have to imagine episodes 'what if…?' and it can be very hard to implement.”
Asked about his own desire to continue the adventure X FilesChris Carter remains cautious: “Oh, if David and Gillian want to go for a ride again, yes, that would probably inspire me… You know, when people ask me the reasons for its success, I always answer that it's thanks to David and Gillian . If it hadn't been for their special relationship and these actors to play Mulder and Scully, the series would not have been as successful.”
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