In 1999, Julia Roberts presented Love at First Sight in Notting Hill in Première
The romantic comedy returns this evening on TMC. With a joke about Mel Gibson’s butt imagined by the actress herself.
On August 18, 1999, the superstar Julia Roberts fell in love with an English bookseller played by Hugh Grant in front of the camera Roger Michell and according to a scenario of Richard Curtis (Four Weddings One Funeral, Love Actually). First then met the actress, who, ten years later Pretty Womancomplained about the mediocrity of most of the scripts she received in Hollywood… especially romantic comedies.
In this one, from England and very well written, she nevertheless proved to what extent the genre suited her like a glove. The public was not mistaken: in France, Love at first sight in Notting Hill attracted 4.5 million curious people to the cinema and worldwide, it collected more than 360 million dollars. A look back at this lovely public and critical success through excerpts from the interview with Julia Roberts by Stephanie Lamomeduring its rebroadcast, at 9:25 p.m., on TMC.
Love at first sight in Notting Hill: the comedy that makes you happy (review)
Julia Roberts clearly took great pleasure in slipping into the shoes of a superstar stalked by the paparazzi. But beware : “Anna, it’s not me! Playing a character that would be me, what a bore, I do it every day! How can you imagine that I am so fascinating and irresistible that people want to read about me for a movie? During the interview, the Hollywood star still recognized that the director Richard Curtis thought of her from the start of the project: “To be completely honest, initially my character was called Juliette.” She even added that she helped him write a few scenes based on his own experiences. In particular the valve on the buttocks of Mel Gibson. “Yes, it was my idea. It’s true, everyone has seen Mel’s ass – charming, by the way – and he doesn’t get double-crossed!”
Love Actually: the best lines from the romantic comedy
Finally, ironically, Julia found at the time “mostly crappy romantic comedies.” That’s what she told us, when we asked her why she hadn’t filmed any more for 10 years, between Pretty Woman And Love at first sight in Notting Hill. “I could shoot ten in a row if the scripts were good, but the situations described are too unnatural. We often sacrifice the coherence of the story for a cheap joke. And then, now, I’m too old to playing young romantic firsts.” However, the actress has since returned to this genre numerous times, for better and for worse:
Jennifer Aniston, Kate Hudson, Julia Roberts: who has made the most romcoms?
Trailer for Love at first sight in Notting Hill who always sees himself again with such pleasure: