Silo: “It will take more than a year to make season 3”

Silo: we take stock of the filming of seasons 3 and 4

Showrunner Graham Yost explains how production on the series is subject to a careful schedule, which will see the final two seasons filmed back-to-back.

Attention, Silo under construction. After a successful season 2, the dystopian series adapted from the novels of Hugh Howey moves towards its conclusion. Seasons 3 and 4, ordered by Apple, will complete the story carried by Rebecca Ferguson. So when will we be able to see all this?

As the showrunner already confided Graham Yost at First, do Silo takes time. A lot of time. And requires massive, careful planning, as he details in The Wrap. He reveals that season 3 has been filming for months, and that from the end of season 1, a method has emerged: writing quickly and precisely. “The entire season 2 was written before the end of filming the first season. Then, we almost finished writing season 3 before the strike broke out, while filming season 2. Well, the whole season 4 was written before filming for season 3 even began.

So everything is already on paper. In the pipes. Ready to film. An impressive pace, which can be explained by the need to manage a changing schedule and strong logistical constraints. ““It’s an incredibly complicated series to produce.” resumes Graham Yost in The Wrap, explaining having to juggle constantly because there is “a limited number of studios (in Hollywood) where one can film. So you have to build sets, shoot them, then dismantle them, to allow others to build something else there. And so afterwards, we have to rebuild. And it takes three weeks. When we do 10 episodes, we film all 10 episodes at one time every week, which means all the directors have to be there all the time. And then you have to know how to bring the actors together. If it’s Grammy week, Common can’t be there. If Rebecca makes a movie or promotes Dune 2, she’s not there…”

To maximize efficiency, the last two seasons of Silo are filmed consecutively throughout 2025, with a short break to finalize pre-production for season 4.

But the showrunner also ensures that this organizational rigor is not just a question of planning. It serves a strategically constructed story, because the elements of seasons 3 and 4 will respond to each other. “Apple has not yet seen the finale of season 4 and therefore of the series, but has already read up to episode 9! The broad outlines are validated. Thus, this consecutive work allows us to say: this point introduced in season 3 will have its resolution in season 4 And that is an incredible luxury!.

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