Taylor Sheridan to create a mural on the Comanche tribe
The co-creator of the Yellowstone series adapts the novel Empire of the Summer Moon.
The screenwriter and showrunner Taylor Sheridanknown for his works borrowed from Western mythology (Yellowstone, 1883, 1923, Lawmen) managed to acquire the rights to SC Gwynne’s book Empire of the Summer Moon which chronicles the fierce struggle of the Comanche people to protect their territory against settlers, led by fearless leader Quanah Parker. This historic fresco is a large-scale project dear to Taylor Sheridan for many years, according to Deadline.
The historical novel unfolds over a period of forty years and tells how Quanah Parker, the mixed-race son of a white woman and a Comanche, succeeded in successively repelling the Spanish invaders, then the French, and would have given in to the formation of the Texas Rangers, a unit specially created to quell the insubordination of these people. Part of the story Gwynne chronicles focuses on Quanah’s mother, Cynthia Ann Parker, who was kidnapped by the natives when she was nine years old. His story also inspired the character of Laurie Jorgensen in The Prisoner of the Desert by John Ford.
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While preparing and filming his two current series Yellowstone And 1923the interest of Taylor Sheridan for Quanah’s epic grew when he discovered the existence of a spear belonging to the chief and held by the founder of the ranch he owns in Texas. The author of the original novel is fully confident in the screenwriter’s abilities to adapt his book: “I don’t think anyone else is better qualified to carry Empire of the Summer Moon on the screen that Taylor Sheridan. He has a deep, nuanced knowledge of both the myth and reality of the Wild West. I’m very excited about him taking on this project.”
No details have yet been given on the format of this adaptation, knowing that the career of Sheridan has focused as much on feature films (often addressing the fate of Native Americans, Comancheria has Wind River) than on series. No filming date, let alone release date, is yet planned. While waiting to find out more, there’s always time to check out the trailer for Lawmen, his latest creation, still on the theme of the Wild West. The series is currently available on Paramount+.
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