The Batman: "It was important to differentiate us from Nolan's films" (excluded)

The Batman: “It was important to differentiate us from Nolan’s films” (excluded)

Matt Reeves and Robert Pattinson tell us how The Batman also built in relation to the previous adaptations.

The Batmanacclaimed in the spring of 2022 in the cinema, arrives in clear on television this Sunday. Meet at 9:10 p.m. on TF1.

To wait, First invites you to plunge back into the archives: our enthusiastic criticism is to read here. At the time, we had devoted A ten -page file At Matt Reeves’ blockbuster, with Robert Pattinson in the shoes of the black knight. During a long discussion with the duo, we notably mentioned the heritage of Christopher Nolan, whose trilogy The Dark Knight Redefined Batman’s contours:

“” If I thought The Batman Depending on Christopher Nolan’s films? It’s complicated “Explains Matt Reeves. “” I love this trilogy, but anyway we always have the entire history of cinema behind you as soon as you make a film, right? (He thought) it seemed important to me to differentiate us from Batman de Nolan. However, I am sure that we are going to compare us because we take the myth very seriously, even if there is a “pop” side. Nolan and those who participated in these films were fans of graphic novels and if we meet on something, it is on this love of comics. And moreover, it is certain that we are very far from the tone of Tim Burton’s films. »»

And Robert Pattinson to wonder:

“” How many movies are we Batman ? Not far from ten? And it is not as if there had been a series of failures. We didn’t see each other like the saviors of the franchise! Obviously it was going to be complicated not to repeat yourself. But I sincerely believe that the tone of The Batman has nothing to do, it’s another vision of the character. In comics, Batman is more… unstable. If we read between the lines, it’s very sad actually. While in the cinema, it is always its heroic side which is put before. The Batman Drive the opposite, we capture the interior bubbling of the character. In my opinion, the only one else to achieve it is the animated film Batman against the masked ghost (De Bruce Timm and Eric Radomski, 1992). When I saw it, it did Tilt: being Batman is a kind of curse, it’s a burden. But good guy, you decided it, right? ‘No no no, I must be Batman. I was chosen, not the opposite. ” I think we’ve never really seen that in a live film. »»

The Batman: Batman’s influence: year one and Travis Bickle (excluded)

Here is the official synopsis of The Batman :: After crossing the streets of the city under the identity of Batman and instilled fear among criminals, Bruce Wayne explored the most ill -famed districts of Gotham City. Aware that he can only count on a few rare allies of trust – Alfred Pennyworth (Andy Serkis), Lieutenant James Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) – Among the city’s notables of the city, the solitary vigilante was the only one citizen capable of obtaining revenge. When a killer attacks Gotham elites by developing sadistic crimes, a beam of mysterious clues plunges our masked investigator in the shallows where he crosses the road to Selina Kyle, alias Catwoman, (Zoë Kravitz ), Oswald Cobblepot, alias the penguin, (Colin Farrell), Carmine Falcone (John Turturro), and Edward Nashton, alias the Riddler, (Paul Dano). While he begins to acquire the certainty that the criminal is undoubtedly in Gotham and that he now sees clear in his game, Batman must establish new alliances, unmask the culprit and restore justice in a city for too long in prey to abuses of power and corruption.

The Batman: How the zodiac killer inspired Matt Reeves to rdddler (excluded)

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