What are we watching this weekend? The selection of Premiere
Cinema, streaming, VOD, TV… Find advice from the editorial staff every Friday.
The film in theaters: Toni with family
He was only 19 years old, in 2019, when we saw him tumble with paper flags. And since Wednesday, Nathan Ambrosioni does more than confirm all the hopes placed with him by featuring a quadra, once star of the song (thanks to a hit single more than 20 years ago), who had stopped everything to take care of his offspring , five teenagers preparing to leave the home nest. Because starting from this pitch which one might believe to be worn to the core, the filmmaker knows how to make his own little music heard. Thanks to the quality of his writing where he manages to make individuals and the collective exist, digging into the concerns of each of his six main characters, their desires for emancipation without ever losing sight of what makes family at home. And it allows Camille Cottin to show the extent of his acting palette in his finest role on the big screen to date. A nugget.
Toni with family, currently at the cinema
What’s new at the cinema this week
The film in streaming: Sentinel on Prime Video
Jonathan Cohen is François Sentinelle, tough cop by day, nerdy singer by night. A pitch that would almost stand on its own (if you’re not allergic to Cohen, of course you want to see it), but the film navigates in rather unexpected comedic territories, somewhere between the furious madness of Is there a cop to save the queen? and the first degree of Two Cops in Miami. And it works, notably thanks to Raphaël Quenard who brings back Sentinel – the film and the character – on earth while imposing a Bruno Dumont-style oddity. The perfect program to combat the Sunday evening blues.
Sentinel: available on Prime Video since September 8
Series : The Changeling on AppleTV+
It begins as a beautiful romance between a man (LaKeith Stanfield, brilliant as usual) and a woman (Clark Backo), but very quickly turns into psychological drama and fantasy. Adapted from the eponymous book by Victor LaValle (who is also the narrator of the series), The Changeling offers a modern reinterpretation of Rosemary’s Baby, between horrifying allegory of postpartum and a show with a fragmented narration with its flashbacks revealing to us the traumas of the couple’s childhood. After three episodes, we can’t wait to discover what’s next. Its creator, Kelly Marcel (50 Shades of Gray, cruella, Venom), definitely has an amazing CV…
The Changeling: three episodes available this Friday on Apple TV+, then one episode per week until October 13.
The film on VOD: Beau is afraid
Two possible options facing the arrival on VOD of Beau is afraidthe third feature film byAri Aster : either you haven’t seen it in theaters (which is very likely, since the film only had 70,000 admissions last spring) and it is therefore the ideal time to discover this horrific comedy with Joaquin Phoenix, one of the most thought-provoking and eccentric films of the year; or you’ve already seen it and it’s time to dive into it again. Beau is afraid is in fact the kind of work that is so broad and mutating that it falls into the very specific category of “second vision” films: “This is clearly a film that benefits from rewatchingrecently acknowledged Ari Aster. Because you don’t really know what you’re looking at until you get to the end. It’s a movie made for you to struggle with.“The fight can start again.
Watch Beau is afraid on VOD on Première Max
On the television : Godard by Godard on France 5
All of Godard (or almost) in one hour, that’s the challenge of this fast-paced portrait, written by the director of the Cinémathèque Française, Frédéric Bonnaud. The object is structured around a long montage of archives (film extracts, testimonies, interventions by Godard, etc.), which retraces chronologically – and without voice-over – the solitary journey of one of the greatest filmmakers of his time. time (and those after) Fans will perhaps rehear what they already know by heart, others will have the impression of being familiar with this holy man who appears here as gentle as a lamb. Godard, quoting Ponge, saw himself as a ” repairer of the universe”. And in fact, since his voluntary disappearance a year ago, something in our world has broken.
Godard by Godard, Friday September 8 at 10:50 p.m. on France 5
The classic : Cleo from 5 to 7 on Netflix
This is Varda’s second feature and already the cornerstone of all his future work. A work where the dikes of fiction and documentary, of realism and fantasy, of dreams and nightmares, burst… Everything starts from a nightmare and the presentiment of the heroine – a singer not necessarily open to others – that a serious illness is eating away at her. Cléo awaits her medical results and wanders, fragile and anxious, in a black and white Paris, in real time. So from 5 to 7. Corinne Marchand, graceful as hell, restores on her face, her voice and her manners, all the worries of her character. It is by managing to extract herself – and her little navel – that Cléo will finally bring life back into her. From then on, death just has to flee. In the latest ranking of the best films of all time from the BFI, Cleo from 5 to 7 (1962) ranks fourteenth.
Cléo from 5 to 7, available from September 1 on Netflix (Agnès Varda cycle)