Netflix reveals the first images of the Terminator animated series

What does James Cameron think of Terminator Zero, on Netflix?

“It sounds interesting,” says the director, who clearly hasn’t seen the series yet.

The machines are taking back power, today, on Netflix. The saga Terminator is back from the dead with a new animated series coming to the platform. Does the American filmmaker agree? Has he validated Terminator Zero ?

“That sounds interesting. My approach to this series is very similar to The Sarah Connor Chronicles: it’s other people inventing stories in a world that I set in motion. And yes, I’m interested in that,” comment James Cameroninterviewed by the Hollywood Reporter.What did they take away from this universe? What did they want to tell, explore? Where are they going to take it?”

More specifically, the director analyzes: Terminator Zerowhich he clearly hasn’t seen yet:

“I feel like they’re going back to the basics of Judgment Day, which is nuclear war. That it’s an ultimate timeline. I’d be curious to see what they come up with. I’m working on my own Terminator stuff right now. It’s not related to that. Like with The Sarah Connor Chronicles, they’ve sometimes approached these things that I’ve been playing with completely independently… So there’s an obvious curiosity in all of this. It’s not a burning curiosity, but obviously it would be nice to see this show succeed!”

Terminator Zero is available on Netflix since today.

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