What is La Fine Fleur, with Catherine Frot and Vincent Dedienne, worth? (critical)
This horticultural tale comes to free-to-air television.
In the name of the Rose, Catherine Frot stands against Vincent Dedienne ! The Fine Flower is a gentle social comedy released in cinemas in summer 2021. It tells the story of the struggle of La Maison Dorieux, a small family horticultural business, threatened with closure.
Director Pierre Pinaud (Tell me about yourself) films this rose enthusiast, who must resist the onslaught of a rich industrialist, and who will hire cheap but not at all trained labor, through three employees in reintegration, who will end up giving her back hope…
In the rest of the cast, we will find Melan Omerta, Fatsah Bouyahmed, Olivia Côte and Marie Petiot.
The first appearance of Catherine Frot? It was in The Charms of Summer, at 18
Scheduled on France 3 at 9:10 p.m., this comedy really pleased the Première editorial staff. Here is our review.
An outstanding rose creator, Rose sees her small business decline and seems to have no other solution than a takeover by a competitor as powerful as it is arrogant. Unless his secretary’s idea of calling on three employees in integration but without experience saves the day… The Fine Flower hardly reminiscent of Hitchcockian suspense, the outcome of this fight between the earthen pot and the iron pot is immediately left in little doubt.
And the film unfolds its program at a senatorial pace, never unpleasant but without harshness, with Catherine Frot on autopilot and Vincent Dedienne less comfortable as a villain than in The Embrace. But a trio comes to save the day: the rapper Omerta, Marie Petiot and Fatsah Bouyahmed who, in the roles of the three broken arms – reminiscent of the heroes of The part of the angels by Loach – bring a mischievous charm to a story too in its charentaises to seduce.