Will Smith thinks The Pursuit of Happyness is the best film of his career
Right in front of Men In Black. And guess which is the worst?
“Men in Blackit's my favorite film in my filmo with In search of happiness. For different reasons, but I love them.”
Asked about his career in 2021, Will Smith already proclaimed all his love for this drama by Gabriele Muccino, released in 2006 at the cinema, in which he shared the poster with his young son, Jaden, before he found the director a few years later to shoot Seven lives. Now in full promotion of new Bad Boyswhich also received good reviewsthe American actor returns to this film which has a special place in his heart.
“For me, In Pursuit of Happyness is the best film of my career, he confides in the last broadcast of Hot Ones. Among all those in my film, I choose this one and just after there is Men in Black for its staging, its cinematography, its music…”
In Search of Happiness can be (re)watched on Première Max
At the house of First, we don't blame him: the editorial team was completely overcome by emotion upon discovering this story of filiation. Here is an excerpt from our review:
“No matter how much we struggle, we say to ourselves that we hate this kind of melodrama with kids who practice emotional blackmail, these films with syrupy morals (it's better to be rich than broke): In search of happiness ends up overwhelming the most cynical spectator. (…) The asset of the film is obviously Will Smith, who lays down the law and establishes himself as the missing link between Eddy Murphy and Denzel Washington. The actor, who projects a relaxed confidence or irresistible humor in all his roles, was not necessarily the ideal choice to play a guy in complete disarray; he is astonishing. (…) Just for that and for the father/son relationship which has never worked so well on the big screen, In search of happiness should make yours…”
During this same show, Will Smith added that he felt a particular pleasure in agreeing to participate in big productions:
“I think the films I had the most fun with were Bad Boys And Aladdin. Productions like this are really the most fun to shoot. But what if I only had to keep four films from my entire career and put them in a time capsule? I would rather choose In the pursuit of happinessthe first Men in Black, I'm a legend And The Williams Method.”
And his worst film, then? Three years ago, he answered the question bluntly: Wild Wild West. A failed adaptation of Mysteries of the West released in 1999, which flopped against Matrix…of which he had been approached to play the title role. Speaking of this experience as“a thorn in the side”he added, however, that this blockbuster had one quality: a soundtrack immediately associated with the film in the public's mind.
“There's nothing like a movie hit accompanied by a musical hit, considers Will Smith. When Whitney Houston became successful thanks to 'I Always Love You' For Bodyguard, or another example: 'The Eye of the Tiger' For Rocky. You see ? I miss it too much.”
Will Smith announces I Am Legend 2: “We are very close!”
In passing, Smith greets his manager, James Lassiter, designating him as his “arbiter of good taste” :
“If we look back at the ten best films of my career, we see that it was JL who chose them. He has an eye for that. I didn't want to do In the pursuit of happiness. I didn't want to turn Ali. And it was again JL who spotted Men in Black.”
After Bad Boys: Ride or Diewe should find the star in I am legend 2currently being produced in Hollywood, still under the direction of Francis Lawrence and this time with Michael B. Jordan in the cast.