Will Sucker Punch ever have its Director’s Cut? Zack Snyder responds
“The problem with Sucker Punch…” The director explains why he hasn’t released a new version of his 2011 film.
Excellent on paper, visually stunning, and supported by a solid female cast, led by Emily Browning, Sucker Punch had everything to become a centerpiece of the work of Zack Snyder. However, when it was released in 2011, the film was panned by critics and poorly received by the public. Certainly the hardest miss to endure for the director, who planned, in recent years, to return to editing to make a new version of the fantasy-psychological action feature film. But this ultimately never materialized (there is an extended version of 18 minutes released on Blu-Ray but it is not a director’s cut).
So why has he never released a Snyder-Cut version of Sucker Punchas he did with Justice League Or Watchmen and others ? In an interview with Collider, the filmmaker reveals that he realized that he didn’t have enough material:
“The problem with Sucker Punch, is that the director’s cut (the editing reviewed by the director) only gave a film with extended exciting scenes. It was more of an alternative version, with bits of deleted scenes, than a real new film with a different tone.”
“In certain director’s cuts, as was the case for Batman v Superman, we can really give a different feeling to the film. But Sucker Punch will never be entitled to the same thing, even if when we edited the cinema version of this film, at the time, it resulted in something very different from what I had anticipated with the images that I had filmed. It didn’t turn out to be the film I thought it would make.”
Sucker Punch will therefore remain, immutably, a disappointment for Zack Snyder.