Lionsgate is preparing a Twilight animated series!
Twelve years after the end of the saga at the cinema, the world of Stephanie Meyer is preparing to return, this time on the small screen.
Bella and Edward will be back soon, it's confirmed.
With more than three billion dollars in revenue (spread over five films), Lionsgate hit the jackpot thanks to the phenomenon Twilight. The adaptation of Stephenie Meyer's novels, published between 2005 and 2008, with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson enjoyed great public success, so much so that more than ten years later – the films were released between 2009 and 2012 – Lionsgate wants to continue 'exploit the vein.
We recently learned that the group's TV branch was planning to shoot a TV series derived from this vampire universe, without giving further details. Michael Burns, the vice president of the group, has just announced during a conference that it would be “from an animated seriesrelays Variety. We're moving forward with Twilight, with this animated series, because I think it interests a lot of people.”
Among the studio's other priorities, he also cites the saga John Wickalso available from cinema to the small screen, via the series The Continentaland continued in parallel with the main action films with Keanu Reeves via spin-offs (we are waiting for example Ballerina with Ana de Armas).
For now, this series Twilight has no broadcast date, and for good reason: neither its showrunners, nor its authors, nor its dubbing actors have been announced. There were casting rumors, but that was before we knew it would be an animated show…
Jenna Ortega in Twilight in 2024? “It would be the ideal casting”