Patrick Stewart didn’t see Tom Hardy having a career after Star Trek: Nemesis
According to the interpreter of Captain Picard, the young actor had a “strange, solitary” behavior, which led him to believe that he would never succeed.
In 2002, Star Trek: Nemesis comes out in the cinema. This is the tenth chapter of the saga Star Trek and the last one featuring the cast of the arc Next Generation. Patrick Stewart plays Captain Jean-Luc Picard and a young actor still unknown at the time plays the role of the antagonist Shinzon: it is Tom Hardy.
In his recent memoirs Making it so: A Memoir (where he confides that he sometimes “been a bastard” on the set of the franchise), Patrick Stewart returns to the singular behavior of Tom Hardyvery separate from the rest of the team on set (via Insider): “Tom didn’t socialize with anyone. (…) He didn’t say hello or goodbye, and spent his free time in his caravan with his girlfriend.” he writes.
However, the star of X-Men does not make an overly negative judgment on this particular behavior: “He wasn’t hostile in any way, it was just a challenge to make contact with him.”
What surprised you the most Stewart was when Tom Hardy left the set for the last time: “The last day of filming Tommy, he left as usual without ceremony or politeness, he simply took the exit. (…) When the door closed, I said to Brent (Spiner) and to Jonathan (Frakes) ‘Another one we’ll never hear from again’“.
Considering the career of Tom Hardy today, whose roles in Bronson, Inception Then The Dark Knight Rises brought him to the forefront, Patrick Stewart does not minimize his admiration and concludes: “It makes me very happy that Tommy proved me wrong”.
Tom Hardy’s first appearance? It was in Brothers in Arms at 24