Sylvester Stallone in Cannes with the Expendables: "what was walking in the 80s no longer works today"

Sylvester Stallone in Cannes with the Expendables: “what was walking in the 80s no longer works today”

In May 2014, Sly, Schwarzy, Harrison Ford, Wesley Snipes, Antonio Banderas, Jason Statham and Mel Gibson had fun like crazy on the Croisette. Also with a very young Glen Powell. Flashback.

To wait until the replay ofExpendable 3 On TMC, this Monday at 11:25 p.m., let’s go back almost 11 years …

News of May 18, 2014: A war machine is parked in front of the hotel at the Cannes Film Festival: it is impossible to go out -the word “Expendables ” is written in metal letters on the armor- It is here that the press conference ofExpendable 3. Who repeats for the third time the same recipe: bringing together the most old heroes of the vintage action cinoche in a single film.

This time, they all came to the conf: Sylvester Stallone, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson, Dolph Lundgren, Wesley Snipes, Antonio Banderas, Randy Couture, more Ronda Rousey (only woman from the band), and the Little young people (who will not say a word) Kellan Lutz, Victor Ortiz and Glen Powell. Plus Kelsey Grammer (Fraser) and director Patrick Hughes in the name of humor.

Despite such a display of muscles and personalities, the conference will be largely dominated by the figure of Stallone -Co-Scenarist and producer, as much to tell the truth of the franchise-which will take all the time even if the questions are not addressed.

While Stallone promises us to Expendable 3 ? “The first film, I did not know where I was going. He was violent, experimental. For the second, I find that we went too far in humor “he explains. “The third film will be a real “Human Comedy”we will be sincere with the public. What was walking in the 80s no longer walks today. “

Yet the heroes of the 80’s hit the box office with both Expendable. Change of course with the third film, which will be classified PG-13 (not recommended for the under 13) instead of the R (prohibited for unaccompanied under 17s). So less violent, even if Stallone promises a level of action “From the level of Bourne and James Bond, we will come close to the R.”“”

Photos – Jason Statham, Harrison Ford, Mel Gibson and Schwarzie had not smiled on a film poster since …

“Rambo fucks fire to Han Solo”

Ronda Rousey, who is therefore the only woman in the gang of the Expendables, is content to say that her comrades have been “Very respectful” With her. “Everyone respects you!”, Shouts Sly to Ronda (also Olympic Judo medalist and mixed martial arts champion). According to Stallone, the hero of action film is not necessarily a man: he must be “Sexy, intelligent, have a nice teeth (laughs), a high IQ (re-wire), and be hairy (re-royalty).” And “Be Swedish”adds the dolph lundgren Guilleret. Antonio Banderas is delighted to play the team’s most talkative mercenary (“I improvised a lot”) and claims more Latinos in films, remembering the time when Hollywood only offered him “The roles of bad guys with a foreign accent”.

We are especially fascinated by the presence of Mel Gibson, bearded, calm. Mad Mel should have made the film: “I tried to have his expertise for the film, but he was too busy by his own projects”says Stallone. Gibson is content to play the villain, something he refutes. “I don’t play the bad guy! Look at all the other actors: they are the Bad Guys!” We laugh with him, thinking that the Oscar -winning director of Braveheart is more than an expendable, it is downright cursed in Hollywood for its borderline behavior. It is therefore Patrick Hughes (author of a small western in 2010, Red Hill) that realizes Expendable 3 :: “My first film, when I was little, lasted 23 seconds. We saw my figurine Rambo fucking the fire at my Han Solo figurine. I tried to wedge a scene like that in Expendable 3and make Harrison Ford flambé by Stallone … “ It will not happen in the film. Damage. “The first assembly was four hours”says Sly, “I liked it, but we had to cut into it …”

“Children with osteoarthritis”

The promotion ofExpendable 3 promises that the actors make their waterfalls themselves. For young people, why not, but for the old guard, it seems compromised. However, they did it, they swear their great gods. “Everyone is hurting on a set. Before, there were no digital effects, we almost drooled for real, we are proud of them”boasts Sly. “There, you didn’t really hit me”then said Arnold Schwarzenegger. The two accomplices remember when Stallone had to play Terminator. “Frankly, who wanted to create a robot with my twisted mouth?” Arnold nods, before making fun of Stallone for her role in Stop where my mother will shoot (1992) when he wears a layer. “Don’t forget that I saw you give birth in Junior ! “, Laughs Stallone in turn.

To the question sensible when they feel too old to play the gunrs, the veterans expendables vexed. And tell in unison that they will continue to the end, they have so much fun. “We are children with osteoarthritis”said Stallone. It pleases the ghosts of Wesley Snipes (released from prison for tax fraud in April 2013): “It must be the tagline ofExpendable 4 : children with osteoarthritis! “

“Come see Dad!”

To prepare for the press conference, production had promised us “Twelve minutes from the film” plus a making-of. It was actually the projection of two large teases with a funny filming video (where a accident takes place: a crazy truck falls into the water with Jason Statham). In the midst of the explosions, bombs and laughter of the Expendables, we remember Mel Gibson, who seems to let go a little while badly (“Is there anyone to shoot me?”he screams to his henchmen), the pleasure of seeing Wesley Snipes, the gaze of Stallone, Schwarzie who mouths: “Come see Dad!” Cigar at the beak, and Harrison Ford who claims the camera: “It’s been years that I hadn’t had so much fun”.

Trailer forExpendable 3 ::

Expendable 3: The rest too much? (critical)

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