The Huge Ben Affleck Batman Movie You’ll Never See
“Sick fucking stuff, built on 80 years of mythos… The best Batman movie possible!”
In the end, he never had his solo film. Whether Ben Affleck was the Batman of the DC Universe for a decade, from Batman v Superman To The Flash Passing by Justice Leaguehe never got a Bruce Wayne story.
Jay Oliva, a screenwriter who has worked on several DC films since man of steelreveals these days in an interview with Inverse that this film Batman solo, worn and produced by Ben Affleck himself, almost saw the light of day but was abandoned… by the star.
“I can’t say much more than that: it was going to be really awesome. It was the best, best Batman movie possible! It was a sick fucking thing. From what I know , there were a few drafts of it. When I was hired, I don’t know if it was the second draft of the script or something, but it was what Geoff Johns and Ben (Affleck) gave me I had already worked on a lot of things around Batman, but then what was really cool was that this movie tied together a lot of really cool character stories that had never really been really Ben’s film was going to cover something that had never really been covered in the comics, but also drew on storylines from the Batman mythos over the past 80 years and approached that mythos in a whole new perspective.”
Except that Ben Affleck decided to let go of the project, confident afterwards that he was failing”finding the right tone and angle for this story…”
Jay Oliva admits to being a little disappointed because this feature film “was very smart and there were a lot of things I would have liked to see happen. It was a great project from the start. Ben had to step away for personal reasons, and I completely understood. But the time I spent with Ben working on this project was fantastic. Maybe one day I can turn the tide…”
Nevertheless Batman is today Robert Pattinson while waiting for a second Dark Knight which will be added to the DC Universe that James Gunn is building, with the film The Brave and the Boldwhich will feature an all-new Bruce, along with his son Damian Wayne, in the Robin costume.