The Terminator animated series is finally revealed
Terminator: The Anime Series will take place between 1997 and 2022.
Announced more than two years ago, the animated series Terminator finally comes to fruition. A first teaser was revealed last night by Netflix, even if it doesn’t show anything. It confirms that the project is still in development, probably for release next year.
The animation was entrusted to the Japanese studio Production IG of Mitsuhisa Ishikawa, to give this spin-off an original manga aesthetic.
Terminator: The Anime Series also now has an official synopsis, which lets you know at what point in the timeline the story will take place:
“2022: A future war has raged for decades between the few human survivors and an endless army of machines. 1997: The AI known as Skynet became aware of itself and began its war against the humanity. Caught between the future and this past, a female soldier is sent back in time to change the destiny of humanity. She arrives in 1997 to protect a scientist named Malcolm Lee who is working to launch a new system of AI designed to rival Skynet’s impending attack on humanity. As Malcolm navigates the moral complexities of his creation, he is hunted by a relentless assassin from the future who will forever alter the fate of his three children.”