Squid Game: where is season 3?
“We finished filming,” actor Lee Jung-Jae, aka Gi-hun, confides to Première, while the director makes some revelations.
Waited for three years, and already devoured? Season 2 of Squid Gamereleased this December 26 on Netflix, only has 7 short episodes. Fortunately, this isn’t the end of the game. Already announced by Netflix, season 3 – filmed in the wake of season 2 – will soon serve as a conclusion to Gi-hun’s story. And the Korean actor Lee Jung-Jae told us a few weeks ago:
“We finished filming season 3, but it is still in post-production. I still haven’t seen the final cut of the last episodes. I’m very curious to see what it will be like…”
One thing seems certain: this season 3 of Squid Game will be the last. The director Hwang Dong-hyeok reveals to Première that he hadn’t even planned to do it initially: “Initially, I only wanted to do season 2. And then as the writing progressed, I realized that I had a lot of things to say. The script ended up being, as a result, , much longer than what I had in mind So instead of making a very long sequel, a season 2 which would certainly have been a little tedious to follow, I decided to cut it into two seasons (2 and 3. ) and present it as a trilogy.”
It remains to be seen when the end of the trilogy will be broadcast. Squid Game. Netflix has not yet revealed a possible date, but knowing that it is filmed and already being edited, we can imagine a release next year. By the end of 2025?