The Nice Guys Didn't Get a Sequel Because of Angry Birds, Ryan Gosling Explains

The Nice Guys Didn't Get a Sequel Because of Angry Birds, Ryan Gosling Explains

The animated film had one!

In 2016, The Nice Guys by Shane Black was critically acclaimed. This action comedy, a sort of spiritual prequel to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Robert Downey Jr. (2005), follows Ryan Gosling And Russell Crowe in the shoes of two private detectives hired for an investigation in Hollywood, and the least we can say is that the flow passed well between the two. After a very funny promotion, the $50 million-budgeted film was released in May, and grossed $71.6 million at the box office. Including 36 only in the United States, which cut short any sequel project within Warner Bros.

Ryan Gosling has the time of his life in The Nice Guys (review)

Too bad, as the film has its fans, who regularly demand a The Nice Guys 2. Interviewed by Comic book on this subject, Ryan Gosling responds in full promo of The Fall Guy that if this film didn't have a sequel, it's the fault… ofangry Birds.

“A film sequel, I think that's decided on the opening weekend, and we debuted in theaters against Angry Birds, explains the actor. They destroyed us. And they had a sequel!”

Effectively, angry Birds debuted at $38 million in three days in the United States, while The Nice Guys recorded three times less revenue: 11.2 million precisely. The animated film ended its run beyond 350 million dollars worldwide, which pushed Sony to quickly order a number 2, which performed less well in 2019 by stopping just below 150 million. We can also note that the release of the huge Marvel blockbuster Captain America: Civil War only three weeks later The Nice Guyshelped finish it off at the box office.

Trailer for The Nice Guyswhich will therefore not have a sequel, but which can be seen and re-watched on VOD:

The Nice Guys is available on Première Max

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